I couldn't resist checking out a Goodwill while I was in Florida. The lure of never knowing what I am going to find was just too great. What if a sweet old lady dropped off a stash of ironstone? Or someone dropped off some cool farm junk? Or I found something I've wanted for a while? Well, yesterday, that happened. Before I share that with you, I'll show off a couple of my other buys.
I saw this petit cardboard globe on the shelf and thought it was cool but I set it back in it's place. Then, I noticed something. This globe was not marked in English. It was German (I grew up in Germany, so I recognized it immediately.) Upon closer inspection I noticed Russia was the USSR...this globe was not only German, it was vintage. At $1.99, it went in the cart.
My second find was this pretty glass lamp. One of the "silver" pieces on the base is broken and I'm not sure about the condition of the wiring, but for $3.99, it went in the cart.
Then...the find. Can you hear the choir of angels and see the glow around this thing? Ok, it looks a little dated at the moment, but look at the lines, the caning, the Frenchiness. I've been looking for a frame or headboard for our bed for a while, now, so this was an exciting find for me.
It was a little hairy trying to get it into my parent's Grand Marquis, but I was a girl on a mission and this thing was going in the car.
Won't it look perfect painted and tucked under my canopy?
I'm even thinking about upholstering the center panel, but we'll see.
...and at $20, it was too big to go in the cart, but it was coming home with me. Well, it's going to have to spend a little time at my parent's house first. I don't think they'll let me stow this in the overhead compartment on the flight home. My dad is making a trip up north in August, so he'll deliver it to me then. This will help me practice patience.