All of the links were so great, yada - yada and all that. I know I say it every week, but I seriously could've picked at least ten favorites this week. There were so many lovely pieces, amazing makeovers, stunning rooms...it was really hard to narrow it down.
I want to let you all know that I enjoy visiting all of your links and seeing all of the projects. When I leave a comment, it is truly sincere. Not every piece is my taste or how I would finish it, but that's what makes this party fun. You can find everything from mid-century modern to French country to curbside chic. I have always found something positive to say and I really mean it. Keep it up and know that I'm not just leaving a copy and paste generic comment. So, here are the pieces that stuck with me this week...
This gorgeous French provincial buffet makeover by Cassie from Primitive and Proper. First of all, anything that's French Country is going to catch my eye, because that is the style that makes my heart go a-flutter. Aside from that, the color and finish she used on this piece was nothing short of perfection. Well done, Cassie! When you get sick of this piece, I'll take it.
Cate from A Tree Lined Street and her painted antique side table. It's always such a tough decision about whether to paint an antique or not and Cate took the plunge. The gamble paid off and the white paint makes this delicate piece look fresh and beautiful. Just make sure that you don't get carried away and paint some cupboard from the 1700's with the original pristine finish on it that's worth more than your car. You'll be sad if you do.
A weathered coffee table by Celeste from Cottage Dreams. She took a dark and dated piece with great lines and make it look light, beachy, and timeless. You did a brilliant job at achieving that aged wood look and I love how it turned out.
And last of all, Brendan from Brendan Carpenter 's Blog and his trunk fashioned from antique doors. I have tucked this idea in my file as a future project for my woodworking hubby. I love the patina on these doors and how they were turned into something so functional and beautiful. Great job!
Here are the rules for this get together...
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. Please, please, please...just furniture. If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture. You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list! Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture. I'm even ok with a substantial lamp...just no crafts, ok?
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Saturday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their project on next week's FFF.
I'm trying out the new MckLinky thumbnail party and I can't wait to see how it works!

I'm trying out the new MckLinky thumbnail party and I can't wait to see how it works!