I am about ready to push the fast forward button on my life for about six weeks as I get ready for the Lucketts Spring Antique Market. It is May 22-23 and is in the small town of Lucketts, Virginia. If you live in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, DC, or Pennsylvania, you should consider coming this year. It is an awesome antique market and, as a bonus, you get to meet me! I hope some of you can make it.
Second, some of you may have noticed that my posts have not been as frequent as they usually are. The reason...I'm drowning. I've said "yes" to too many things and I've pursued too many ideas all at one time and something has got to give. Don't worry, I'm not shuttering my blog doors, I'm just going to work smarter. One immediate change will be to The Workshop Series. I am still going to run it, but it will not be on a regularly scheduled weekly basis. It will be when I have something good to share with you. I am going to be cranking out furniture this spring, so my focus will still be furniture painting and refinishing. Donna's will run her series the same way.
I also wanted to share some bargains I've found over the past couple of days. As a decorative artist, I'm always looking for Oops and Mistints that are pretty. At Lowes, I found this Robin's Eggs Blue and an Apple Green, two very hot colors right now. I can't wait to try them out on some furniture. At Sherwin Williams I was able to purchase some Cashmere paint that was getting a little old and was pulled off the shelf. I was able to have it custom mixed for only $5 a gallon. I had two gallons mixed in a bright white called Frost and one in a bluish gray called Krypton.
I have also been looking for work lights for a while and I was able to purchase these 250w halogen lights on clearance at Lowes for $6.50/each. They will be great for painting as well as photography lighting. Score!
I am in the middle of loads of projects right now, but nothing is completed to share with you. I have a great idea up my sleeve that I'll be revealing on Sunday for the So You Think You Can Decorate competition. Voting for "paint" week is open until Friday, so make sure you check it out and pick your favorite.