In case some of you have not realized it, yet...I am crazy. I will hack through a row of bushes and vines with a pair of cheap pruning shears and my bare hands. I will dig through bug infested boxes in order to find some cool things to decorate my house with. I will go into the seediest looking thrift shop in the hopes of scoring my next favorite piece. Something small like a power outage will not stop me from painting a room. Most normal people might read by candlelight or play a card game. Me? The kids are in bed, the internet is down, and my hubby's reading a book...this is prime DIY time. So, with bunches of candles and a roller loaded with paint, I covered the peacock blue in my living room, which I've been threatening to do for a while, with Aria Ivory (a retired SW color I spotted in a magazine.)
The power came on about a half hour into my project and I stayed up until about 1:30 am priming and painting. I told you I was crazy.
There are no overhead lights in this room, so it is really dark at night or on cloudy days. I purchased two chandeliers that were on clearance at Lowes and wired them to plug into the wall. I then hung them from hooks on the ceiling on either side of my French settee. Between the paint color and the new lights, this room is so much brighter.
I'm still playing around with the decor, I need to find the perfect fabric for curtains and pillows and I need to hide the chandelier cords. Even with work still to do, I really love how bright and fresh the room feels, now. I will miss my blue, but I'm sure I'll find somewhere else to use it where it won't look so dark. Here is the before...
...and how it looks now.
I am going out of town this weekend for a music conference, so I'm suspending Furniture Feature Friday. We'll get together again next Friday. By the way, I'm loving the thumbnails pictures, aren't you?