The Greatest Form of Flattery

I was so excited to receive an e-mail from a sweet woman named Rose.  She shared with me that she was inspired by my Chalkboard Table Tutorial and made her own creation.
Here is the table she tackled.  Brave woman.  This table looked pretty dated.
...and here is the result!  Didn't she do a wonderful job?  I love her interpretation of my table with her octagonal shaped chalkboard and green border.
She told me she "cheated" because she used dollar store roll stickers to create a stencil for her hand painted detail.  This is not cheating at all; it's just another way of doing things.  It's also a great example that you don't have to be a decorative artist to make your own custom hand painted furniture.
I would give a shout-out to Rose's blog, but she doesn't have one!  She loves reading our blogs, though, so leave some encouraging comments for her to read right here.  Well done, Rose.  Hat's off.

Make sure you come back Thursday night at 10:00 pm EST for the kick-off of Furniture Feature Friday.  If you love furniture makeovers, this is where they gather.  Join in!

Miss Mustard Seed