Tonight is the night. If you made a slipcover (using my video or all by your onesie), this is your time to shine. I received so many wonderful e-mails, pictures, stories and questions about slipcovers once I started posting my slipcover tutorials. I was so amazed at some who had never sewn before or those who have only made simple pillows were now going to tackle a full slipcover. It was so fun to share in your successes and every piece I saw was miles better than my first slipcover. You should be collectively proud! Ugly furniture everywhere is thanking us and investors in drop cloths are counting their dividends! Several people without blogs have sent their pictures along to me, so I thought I would highlight them tonight.
Check out this amazing wing chair slipcover by Sherri. She has become a drop cloth convert, she confided.
Aren't the pleats perfect? And look at the back!! Love it!
Tres slipcovered her entire sofa. Doesn't it look like something straight out of Pottery Barn? And can you believe she has only sewn on buttons and made some simple pillows? Just awesome, Tres!
Maureen, my new BFF in NJ who dubbed herself "Miss Mustard Greens", made this amazing sofa slipcover. She took a "golf-esque" looking plaid sofa and made it look exactly like my slipcovered Etkrop Ikea sofa. She made a full power point presentation for me with step-by-step pictures of her journey. I wish I could share it with you here! I have two things to say to you, Miss Mustard Greens. First of all, well done. Second, you need a blog.
Ingrid gave this frumpy over-sized chair a cushy new life with a flirty feminine skirt and ties in the back. Wonderful work!
After not sewing for 35 years, Lisa dusted off the machine (or bought a new one?) and cranked out this awesome slipcover. This was her "practice" chair. Next up is some caned back "Frenchies" and a pair of Bergere chairs. Oo La La. You must share those with us, Lisa.
If you don't have a blog and would like to share your slipcover, e-mail it to me. I can't promise I'll feature everyone, but I want to give you a chance to show your work. If you do have a blog, link up to my slipcover only section below. If you're here for our regular furniture get together, there's a link here for you, too! Just scroll down a little more and link up as usual.
Slipcovers Only
Here are the rules for this get together...
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. Please, please, please...just furniture. If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture. You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list! Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.
2.) Post a permalink (the link to the post), not the link to your blog.
3.) Both link parties close Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their piece on next week's FFF.