lisa leonard home decor & a french armoire

I am inspired by women who are pursuing their passion, pushing their creativity and making their mark.  Lisa Leonard is one of those women.  I have loved her work since I first noticed it on blogs a little over a year ago.  She makes amazing jewelry, which I love, but now she's branched out into my world -  Home Decor...Lisa Leonard style.

I was totally smitten with this customizable pennant banner.  You can pick any word you want.  This has been a dream season in my life, so that is the word I chose.  I love how Lisa took what she has done in jewelry and translated it into jewelry for your home.  She's brilliant. 

Wouldn't this be perfect for a baby gift, at a wedding, or...say...anywhere

 She also carries custom cake forks, wall hangings, bowls, baby spoons, and more.  You must check it out!

For full disclosure, Lisa is one of my sponsors, but that's only because I asked her to be and I want her stuff!  She's also the kind of artist I want to promote.  I had the pleasure of meeting her at Blissdom in January and cannot express what an impressive person she is.  To get to know the woman behind the work, you can visit Lisa's blog.  You'll see more of Lisa's work on my blog in the future, so get used to it!

In other news, I found the find.  I've been looking and longing for a French armoire for years.  They were always way, WAY too expensive.  I thought it would be the kind of thing I would eventually save for and would then own and cherish in my twilight years.  A few nights ago, I was browsing Craig's List and didn't find anything interesting in my area. Then, a lightbulb!

 "Hey, my parents are coming up to visit, soon.  I'll check CL in their area and see if I find anything that's worth asking them to get for me." 

I scrolled down the page and...chior of angels, please...there it was.  A French armoire.  Solid wood.  Needs to be painted, but I think I can handle that.  Only $120.  Still available.  My dad can pick it up that very day.


I know it's knotty right now, but look at the shape.  Picture it with me...

This armoire is on And George and it's over $12,000.'s the real deal, but mine is going to look just as good.  I think I'll even paint the interior and upholster the inside door panels.  This armoire is going to be sweet.  AND I'M NOT SELLING IT!!

Of course, it's in Florida and I'm in Pennsylvania.  If anyone sees this truck on northbound I 95 with my armoire in the back, don't rear-end it, ok?