...and so it begins

The fury that is called "me getting ready for the Lucketts Market" is ready to kick into high gear.  When I'm not sleeping, eating, or hanging with my family, I will be hunting, sanding, painting, upholstering, designing and going crazy in general.  Are you ready to see a lot of my finds and makeovers?  I hope so, because that's what you're going to get for the next few weeks. 

I bought two of these sweet red chairs...although I'm keeping them.  I like using little chairs for photo shoots (always my excuse to keep something) and I picture these around a table in my family room. 

The legs look a bit off, like a little girl sticking her hip out, but it's very sturdy. 

I'm thinking about using one next to the sink in my soon-to-be-new half bath to add a pop of color and hold some hand towels. 

Now, the stuff I'm going to sell.  More ironstone...I've been on a streak lately!

I found this vintage metal mold at Goodwill...can you believe it?  Well, yeah, I'm sure you girls can believe it.  You know what's up.

...and the Ironstone streak continues with another bowl, exactly like the ones I found last week. 

I also snagged this door knob set...

...a folding ruler...

...a hand painted Bavarian plate that is signed...

...and a suitcase.  It's a little dirty, but it's a cool piece. 

These are the furniture pieces I'm currently working on...

I actually drooled on something I worked on today.  Not in an admiring way, but in a, "I've been painting for a few hours and my mouth is hanging open" kind of way.  I actually thought, "I just drooled on this and I need to share it on my blog."  What have we come to?

I'm going to another auction tomorrow and I hope it will be better than the one I attended last week. 

I am also getting some additional help.  I received an e-mail from a very sweet woman (savior), named Pam, from Tennessee who asked if she could be a "picker" for me.  Uh...yeah!  Well, I've been flooded with pieces from Craig's List and pictures of furniture she has in her stash.  I think she just scored a French provincial dining set.  Pam rocks.  I love Pam. 

Now, I need to go read an e-mail entitled, "Help Miss Mustard Seed!  I have to convince my husband to..." 

Miss Mustard Seed to the rescue!

Is it just me, or am I a little saucy tonight?