French Feed Sack Chair

This is the post where I take a perfectly good chair, rip it to pieces and make it something that is totally "me". 

This is the perfectly good chair.

This is me ripping apart said chair.

...and this is the chair now.  Totally me.  Frenchiness.  Feed-sack-ish-ness.

I know this won't be everyones cup of tea, but it's my cup of tea.

I painted it in Louis Blue chalk paint followed by a "dry brushing" of Old White and a coat of clear wax. 

The piece is upholstered in faded American feed sacks with a bright white gimp trim to frame it out. 

I love the traditional-meets-quirky look of it. 

Believe it or not, I'm going to let it go.  I'm taking it to my pavilion at Lucketts on Saturday to sell.  Sniff-sniff.  This job is getting harder and harder.

See you tonight at 10:00 EST for Furniture Feature Friday and our special slipcover show-off.