And the Winner Is...

The winner of my 1000 follower giveaway for a custom painted "antique" grain sack...

chosen by

drum roll, please...

entry number 212...

Kim from Cheap Chic Home!

Congratulations, Kim.  It's winner's choice, so you can show me a picture of any antique grain sack that catches your eye and I will hand paint it just for you.  Let me know if you need some ideas!

If you are super duper bummed that you didn't win, don't fret.  You can order one directly from me for $20.00 (for cotton fabric) or $25.00 (for natural linen.)  These prices include shipping and handling.  The size of the fabric and the hand painted design will be made custom for you!  Send me an e-mail if you're interested.

Miss Mustard Seed