a rug, my foot, a package & a peek

The last two days have been exciting around here.  I spent most of the day yesterday getting my space at Lucketts stocked up for the Design House weekend.  (I'll share more about my space in another post.)  Yesterday, I also did some shopping (bought stuff for my space and a dough bowl for myself) and picked up some bamboo mats I had ordered to use in my spaces at the Lucketts Antique Market this May.  I had them rolled up in my office, leaning against the wall and then my bare wood floor in the dining room came to mind. 

 "I wonder if one of these could work in my dining room...hmmm.", I said to myself.

"Hey hon!  Can you come help me with something?", I yelled through the house.

When my husband hears that sentence, he knows it usually means moving furniture around.  He was a good sport and helped me scoot things around to get the rug under the table.  It's not at all what I would've picked out, but I love it. 

It tones down some of the more formal aspects of the room and adds visual interest, contrast and texture to the floor. 

The typography is so cool...surprisingly, it works. 

So, now that the dining room was looking good, I was hot to get the living room looking good.  I've been staring at boxes of tile, sheets of bead board and bathroom fixtures for a few months now and I'm sick of it.  This morning, I decided I was going to move it all into the bathroom again to wait out of site until the tile guys come back on Tuesday. 

So, I'm moving the bead board two sheets at a time (because I'm impatient) and I try to fit it in the hall (because I'm terrible at estimating size) and after realizing it won't fit, I try to stand it up vertically (because I'm really stupid) and when I realize it won't work that way either, it slipped out of my hands and I drop both sheets on my foot (because I'm a klutz.)  I couldn't even cry it hurt so much.  It took my breath away.  I just sat there breathing like I was in labor.  My four year old told me I should get in bed and that would make it better.  That sounded nice, but I couldn't even stand up.  After about five minutes of lamaze breathing, I was able to hobble over to the fridge to get the frozen peas and then limp to the couch.  I called my husband and warned him about the possible ER trip and I sat with my foot propped up yelling, "Don't touch my foot!" to my boys when they came within three feet of my injury.  After icing, testing it out, and a soak in hot water, I realized it wasn't broken. Bruised and really painful, but I don't think it's broken.  (You have to understand that I broke my foot when I was a kid doing a cartwheel on rollerskates through a jumprope.  Yes.  I did that. My stupidity has been displayed in many forms.  Anyway, we didn't know it was broken for a few weeks and it gave me problems for years.  I dropped the bead board on that foot, so I was a little concerned.  I was also imagining myself trying to paint and move furniture on crutches.  Yikes!)

I did manage to get my husband and a friend to move the bead board to the basement out of the ordeal, though.  I have my living room back!  I tried one of the mats in the living room and I like it, but it's really too big for the room, so we'll see. 

One big perk to having a blog is that I almost always have great mail.  I received a shipment of cypress wood yesterday from The Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association to complete one of my HGTV.com projects, I got a box of home decor books to pour over and I got some new Caromal Colors paint to try! 

As I said in my Waxes 101 video, "Some girls love shoes.  I love brushes and paint products."  It doesn't take much to make me happy. 

Speaking of paint, here's a sneak peek of my newest sign and chalk paint creation.  I'll share more about it soon. 

If you asked a question about waxes, sit tight.  I am going to write a post answering a bunch of questions, so keep an eye out for that in a few days.