Secretary Before & After and Lucketts

I mentioned last week that I had painted a secretary to sell at Lucketts.  Well, it made it to the Lucketts parking lot, but I had a buyer before I even posted the pictures. 

The before wasn't too bad, but it was a little scratched and the finish looked a little dated (in my opinion.)  I thought the fretwork looked a little busy and the wood tones didn't match. 

A reader named Erin sent me an e-mail, inquiring about the secretary I mentioned.  I sent her some quickly-snapped pictures and it was just what she was looking for.  We met this morning at Lucketts and both left happy. 

I must admit, I left the interior natural wood out of laziness.  It's a pain to paint all of those cubbies and it's hard to do it well, even with a sprayer.  I ended up really liking the warmth of the wood against the painted finish.  I also decided to paint the hardware because of the knobs and keyholes on the cabinets.  Those would've been a nightmare to try to replace.  The secretary is painted in a mix of Louis Blue and Paris Gray with details painted in a Paris Grey/Old White mix. 

My pavilion was half empty and totally picked over when I arrived, but after working hard this week, we packed our van and truck to the limit and filled the space up again. 

See the farm table in the middle?  I call it the "frankentable."  It just happens to be green, which is appropriate for the name, but I call it the "frankentable" because it is a mish-mash of two tables.  My poor husband had the task of marrying a farm table top (with legs that were uneven by about 8") with the table legs from a mahogany drop leaf frame.  I sanded the top and sealed it to make the surface usable.  The base was then painted in Antibes Green with a heavy coat of dark wax to tone down the color.  I really wish I had a spot for that table.  It has great character and is surprisingly solid. 

See my new dresser to the far left?  I'll share the before and after on that next week. 

I'm sort of digging grass green at the moment.  Maybe I'm ready for spring.  And it works nicely with my usual blue/white/grey color scheme.

While photographing my pavilion  for the blog, I met three of my blog readers.  That's always fun!  We chatted about chalk paint and furniture styles. I then purchased something from my pavilion neighbor before I left and on the way home I bought something for you!  Well, for one of you. 

Would anyone like to win one of these?  I'll be having a giveaway, soon!

You can still enter the Baby Jewels Giveaway, if you haven't already. The comments are open through Sunday at midnight EST.