winning the losing battle with the help of

I love having a clean house.  I used to be very OCD about it, but realized I was not very fun to live with and I needed to change.  I still have to fight that compulsion at times, but I have relaxed a lot...especially with kids. Keeping the house clean with two preschoolers in the home can sometimes feel like a losing battle.

I mostly share "my" rooms that are kept relatively toy-free...

...but the family room is another story.  My husband is a youth pastor, so we get lots of hand-me-down toys from church families.  I also find great toys for super cheap at yard sales, so we have a lot and we don't have a dedicated play room.  All of these toys inevitably end up all over the floor...

...along with shoes, clothes, cups, bowls, books, gold fish, crayons, all of it.  I've struggled to find a good balance between letting them play and teaching them how to clean up after themselves and show respect for their toys and our home. 

When I received an e-mail from Gregg of My Job Chart, I was intrigued.  My boys, while only 2 1/2 and 4, love computers and gadgets.  They also love "missions."  I think my four year old is definitely old enough to take on some chores and start learning those valuable skills.  This is an awesome tool to introduce work in a way that is fun for him and simple for me.  No nagging.  No enormous job charts with stickers hanging on the kitchen fridge. (And the best part is that it's totally FREE!)

Check out how it works...


Their Mission

To provide parents a website to help teach children the value of a dollar, how to work and be responsible, in a fun and positive way.

Their Website

My Job Chart ( is a free, online, customizable chore chart system that is revolutionizing the way parents run their homes. By combining cutting-edge technology and opportunities for positive reinforcement, children are motivated by the unique, interactive program to do their chores and better grasp the value of the dollar. The system is one of the most effective tools in teaching children how to save, share with worthwhile charities and spend on things they need and want.

Key Features Your Will Love
1. It’s FREE!
2. It’s ONLINE! Technology engages kids, not a chart on the wall anymore
3. Easy to set up as the parents
4. It’s incredibly simple for kids to use.
5. You can set up each child’s account with chores that are specific to their age and abilities.
6. Everything is customizable for each family. The specific chores, the prizes that will appeal to your children and even the amount of points that they will receive for each chore they complete.
7. It’s fun!
8. Teaches kids how to save, share and spend.
9. Parents can receive an email or text when their child’s chores are completed or rewards are earned. They can then reply to this message by posting on the child’s “post-it note” to positively reinforce good behavior and work ethic. MJC also has a fully integrated message board system to encourage communication between family members

I'm excited about implementing this tool in my own home and I hope it becomes a valuable and fun resource for your family as well!

After all, the mountains we want to move in our home are not mountains of laundry, mountains of toys and mountains of clutter! We need a hand with those things, so we can move the fun mountains...slipcovering, painting, refinishing, upholstering, arranging, rearranging...