Office Chairs' "Bells and Whistles"

Are you ever confused by the names and features that are included with office chairs? Let us try to clear it up for you...

Pneumatic Seat Height Adjustment - Regulates height of the chair relative to the floor.

Tilt Tension - Controls rate and ease with which the chair reclines for different weights and strengths of users.

Knee Tilt (Option below) - Allows user to recline at slightly more of an angle than conventional tilt.

Dual Function (Option below) - Seat and back angle adjustment independently from one another.

2-to-1 Synchro Tilt - Allows user to recline while keeping the seat cushion relatively level to the floor.

Adjustable Lumbar Support - Allows user to move support to the area that applies to their particular lumbar.

Please feel free to fire any questions my way!