Clear Up The Clutter

George Costanza once said that one of the keys to moving up in the working world was keeping a messy desk. He said that top management can always get away with a clean desk but for the rest of us it looks like we aren't working hard enough, so pile those papers high and wide. Now I'm not one to typically disagree with the wisdom of T-Bone, but these days especially if you’re working in a paperless environment and with everyone and their mothers jumping on the green train the wisdom of Costanza doesn't seem like it will be holding up over the test of time.

Staying within the schoolings of Body Suit Man, in my opinion if you really want to make an impression at the office you should do so by having a well organized and clutter free desk. One of the best ways to go about reducing clutter without actually having to clean anything is to switch to an ergonomic work station. Having a monitor arm off your desk and a keyboard tray alone will really clear up some desk space. Next week we can take a look at how to sleep under a desk without file pedestals.