The Craziness Continues

Today was a whirlwind.  I would give you a list of everything I accomplished, but I can't even remember.  I did get a lot done, though, and it feels good...

...and I'll sleep well tonight. 

My morning started with painting the peacock blue dining room wall.  Even with the first coat on, it looked so much lighter and brighter.  I was wishing the view out of my window was of rolling hills and orchards, not a poky little town...a view that requires blinds.  Not having them up lets in so much light!

I finished the painting and put the curtains and blinds back up.  The dining room is a wreck, so I'll take pictures once I get it straight. 

I priced a bunch of pieces to take to Wild Rose tomorrow and finished up some furniture as well. 

I still have some great finds I picked up at a couple of antique malls yesterday that I need to share with you.  Until I can slow down and snap some pictures, here's one of my favorite finds. 

It's a little ironic that it's a clock, isn't it? 

Miss Mustard Seed