Feats of Craftsmanship

I hope you'll indulge a non-furniture post. I wanted to share the impeccable work my father has done over the last several years restoring a 1931 Model A Ford. This wasn't something he found in a junkyard. This was his father's car. They used it as a tractor to plow a hundred acres for corn in Indiana (and later harvested the corn by hand). He and his brothers weighted down the back with cinder blocks so they could tow other cars out of ditches during snowstorms.

Most of the car is original, some of the parts are vintage and others are new, but it's a faithful restoration. It's an amazing accomplishment, especially since the car sat in a field for several decades and had a tree growing through it. This car, it's fair to say, is in better shape now than when my grandfather bought it used in 1947. I'll bet it's in better shape than when it rolled out of the factory.

I'm very proud of him and inspired by his skill, tenacity and patience. I only wish I could be 1/10th the craftsman he is.

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