Meet Bonnie from Creating a House of Grace

I wanted to take a post to introduce you to a wonderful new blog friend of mine, Bonnie from Creating a House of Grace.  One thing I love about the blog world is meeting other women who have similar interests.  Bonnie and I both love yard sales, a good bargain, and caring for our homes.  We also both run our own businesses with little ones hugging our knees.  Here's a little more about her...

What is your favorite household chore?  Least favorite?

Ha, you would think that this question would be easy for me.  The truth is that I am always switching up my favorite “chore”.  Lately it has been vacuuming.  I think that it is my favorite because I need to do it the most.  With three young children, including a one year old that tries to eat anything he sees,  I NEED to vacuum everyday.  I also love wiping down my counters.  I spray and wipe them down at least 3 times a day.  My least favorite chore is probably no surprise….toilets!  I think that is because I have a 3 year old son who is still learning how to aim, lol.

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What is your decorating style?

Hmmm, What is my style?  I guess it is traditional, simple and a little modern at the same time, if that makes any sense.   I have dark cabinets and floors, a lighter countertop, and neutral colored walls.  I love bronze accents and  I get EVERYTHING from garage sales or the Goodwill (or my Mother-in-Law).  I like classic decor that is very simplistic because I usually have so many toys out that I don’t want to seem to cluttered.  For me simple is less stressful.  I had reds and greens in my family room and I  just switched to the blues and browns.  I love decorating with plants and topiaries.   I just got my first dining table so I am really excited about doing real tablescapes.

What is your favorite spot in your house?

My favorite part of my house is my kitchen.  I spend most of my day there.  Because our house has an open floor plan, I can watch the kids play in the family room when I am working in the kitchen.  When I am not doing dishes, cooking, baking or cleaning, I do school work and arts and crafts with the kids at the counter or kitchen table.  I love my kitchen because it is our family’s gathering place.  I love our family dinners!!!!  I also love to entertain and eat food!

What is your best decorating decision to date?

Good question, you are really making my think!  Ummm, I guess it is to not buy anything NEW.  My husband and I had to make a decision: buy a less expensive house and nice furniture or buy a more expensive house and buy used furniture.  We went with the house we really wanted and decided to get ALL used furniture.  I am so glad that we made that decision because I love my house and finding used stuff is sooo fun.  I have found so many neat finds at the fraction of the “new” price.  I seriously didn’t buy one piece of “new” anything in our whole house.  I am now addicted to garage sales, lol!!!!  Plus, with the kids banging stuff up, I am not as uptight about my stuff.  I feel like I can really enjoy my home rather that always saying, “Don’t touch that!”  I am also realizing that I love to change my mind.  I am always switching things up. I know if I paid full price, I would never want to get rid of it.  Check out  my family room, my dining room, my guest bedroom and guest bathroom to see what I got for cheap.

 What is your favorite find/bargain?

My favorite find was this awesome Pottery Barn table.  It has 2 leaves and 8 chairs and I got it from a garage sale, of course,…….it was only $200!!!!!  That’s right, only $200!!   It was a light wood and we painted it black.    I love that it has so many chairs for entertaining!  This was defiantly my favorite find.


Why did you decide to start a blog?

This is funny because a year ago I had NO CLUE what a blog really was.  I have heard of them before but I never read one before.  Last fall, my sister-in-law told me that she was going to start a blog and since we do everything together, I said, “me too” not realizing what I was getting myself into, lol.  Once I started reading a couple of blogs, I was ADDICTED!!!!  “Blogs, where have you been my whole life?”  I can’t believe that I didn’t know about you sooner!!!  I love reading about decorating, cooking, organizing, crafts and motherhood.  I wish that I read blogs when I was a stay-at-home mother with one baby.  I had so much more time then.  I had no idea that blogging could help my business when I started. I love how bloggers are so supportive to “mommy businesses”.  I also love being able to help so many people with my products that I would not of met if I wasn’t blogging.  I have met some of the most amazing people through blogging.  I am so glad that I started!

Would you like to know how I got my stove top squeaky clean without using any harsh chemicals? 
Click here for my review of the Shaklee cleaning products, more about Bonnie, AND a giveaway for 10 lucky readers who leave comments.

Miss Mustard Seed