Thanks so much for all of the feedback, encouragements and suggestions about FFF. I've decided to continue to host, so keep up with those furniture projects. I can't give up seeing all of your awesome makeovers each week, anyway.
Before I share a couple of my favorites, I wanted to remind you of my Pleated Poppy Giveaway that is running through Friday night. Make sure you enter if you haven't already.
Last week there were at least five French Provincial dresser and buffets that I just loved, so instead of showing a lineup of those pieces, I thought I would share two links that were extremely valuable to me. Both of these ladies have amazing blogs and they each taught me something new that was worth sharing with all of you.
Rebekah from Potholes and Pantyhose is first of all a riot. Second, she is awesome at DIY and renovation and she even looks good doing it.
Gotta love a woman in red lipstick and a dress, who is also swinging a sledgehammer. Come on. Anyway, the new thing I learned from her was a recipe for home made furniture polish. She used it to make a vintage record cabinet look like new.
Here's the recipe: mix 3 cups olive oil with 1 cup white vinegar, shake it, and then rub it onto the wood with a soft cloth. It'll make your wood furniture gleam. I can't wait to try it on my great-grandfather's desk. The wood on that piece is hazy and I'm hoping this will do the trick.
The second thing I learned is courtesy of my friend Kate from Centsational Girl. Listen to me carefully. You can paint laminate. You can! Now, I've painted just about everything...wood, walls, fabric, plastic, tile, metal, ceramic, but I have always avoided laminate. I was pretty sure the paint would peel off and the piece would be trash-worthy after about 30 minutes of use. Well, Kate says that just ain't so.
Look at this "blonde wood" laminate media cabinet that she painted white. Doesn't it look fantastic? The trick is using a quality oil based bonding primer. I actually used that on the 1940's maroon tile in my bathroom and it worked like a charm.
Thanks, girls, for teaching me something I didn't know. I love blog land.
I have one last thing to share. Now, I normally showcase the work of others on FFF, but I finished something today that I just had to share.
I made a grain sack slipcover for a little ottoman in my guest room. It was made with stuff I already had, so it was free. I'll show you in a future post how to get this same look for about $7.00.
If you'd like to win one of my custom hand painted "grain sacks", check out my giveaway at Funky Junk Interiors.
Here are the rules for this get together...
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. Please, please, please...just furniture. If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture. You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list! Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their project on next week's FFF.
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