Assembling the stand and casters was very straightforward (despite the number of times you see me staring at the instruction book!). I think it took me about an hour or so. I was impressed by the hardware and how well everything fit together. The caster axles and lifting mechanism are very sturdy and heavy. It was a bit of a challenge to install the casters onto the stand by myself because there is nothing to rest them on as you are attaching the first bolt. But once I attached the first bolt, everything got a lot easier. Having someone help you hold it would save lots of time. I got the feeling right away that the lift mechanism works very well. Pushing the foot pedal gives you a satisfying click when the wheels engage with the floor and lift the stand. This feature is going to be a big help since I have so little space to work with. I’ll be able to easily move the saw around when I need to.
Here are some close-ups.
Thanks to my friend Matt for helping with the time-lapse and adding the Railroad Earth accompaniment.