I'm sad to say that the shop that has sold my furniture and antiques for almost two years is closing this fall. I was really bummed and scared at first, but then I realized it's the kick in the pants I needed to take some chances. This led to me going to the Lucketts Fair as a vendor on my own and it also led to a search for a new retail space. I was really excited about having my own little corner of a shop that I could decorate and redecorate in my style. It's kinda like having a big girl doll house AND making money at it. I put my name on the waiting list at a couple of places and was ready to pound the pavement to find a new home, but, just at the right time, a new home found me.
I received an e-mail from a woman I had never met and she asked me to be a part of a group of women opening an antique and home decor shop in Walkersville, Maryland. We met last week and I immediately knew this was the little corner I was looking for.
It's a charming store with a rich history and many past identities - a general store, a dairy, a florist shop to name a few. Check out the picture below...
(We're in the section with the peaked roof and porch.) High bead board ceilings, large bay windows, and a renovated interior make this a great canvas for housing my finds and creations. I'm super excited about it.
In the next few weeks, I'll share much more about my space, the other ladies in the shop and the details of the grand opening, which is September 25...yikes! I've gotta get busy!