Thanks and Finds

I loved reading the comments about my antlers.  You guys should never feel bad about not liking something and saying so.  I love the freedom and honesty you all shared, so thanks.  Some made me laugh, some made me think, some were encouraging...  It was quite a mixed bag. 

So, here's the funny thing about the antlers.  I don't hunt and never have in my life.  I don't have any desire to.  I hate deer meat and really don't even like steak very much.  There was a time when I was a vegetarian and, on top of all of that, I made my grandfather take a deer head down from his den wall, because it gave me nightmares when I was a girl.  With all of that in mind, isn't it funny that I have no problem hanging them on my wall?  It's purely a home decor thing for me. 

So, I'm still mulling it over. I'm leaving them there for now and we'll see where my creative juices take me. 

Yesterday, I was able to hit some yard sales and by about 10:00, I had only spent fifty cents on a DVD (We Are Marshall.)  It was looking like the day was going to be a bust.  Then I found a neighborhood yard sale.  Woo hoo!  After the first few houses I hit, there really wasn't any good stuff.  Maybe it was just too late in the morning for awesome finds. 

I did get three vintage baseballs for free.  The "seller" asked me if I played baseball...I snorted and told him I was going to use them to decorate my sons' vintage sports themed room.  Seriously.  Do I look like I play baseball?
After a few more yard sales with overpriced 1980's decor, balled up clothing, and footbaths (Why is there one at every yard sale?), I stumbled upon the sale that was meant for me. 

I bought this antique wood and plaster frame for $3.00...
...a white handmade pitcher for $1.00 (I know it sort of looks like ironstone, but it's not.)...
...and square ironstone bowl for $2.00... 
...a green enamel wash bowl for $2.00...

...and my very favorite find...
...a 1949 alarm clock (that still works) for $8.00.  It has the greatest "tick."
...and something that is a little less photogenic, but still a great find...a Dremel tool with loads of attachments for $30.00  It's practically brand new. 
I hope my fellow "hunters and gatherers" found some great things this weekend as well. 

Miss Mustard Seed